• NRC/Joep Christenhusz

    Slim op de gelegenheid toegesneden: de inzending van Maya Verlaak. In Sanding legde de Gentse componist een herhalende pianoriedel het zwijgen op door in eigen persoon potten strandzand in het hamermechaniek te kiepen.

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  • JOURNAL OF MUSIC/ Adrian Smith

    Maya Verlaak highly conceptual Evidence-based (2018) asked the performers to reconstruct a pre-composed piece for harpsichord that had been deleted. From various pieces of ‘evidence’, including a written analysis and a melody derived from the ‘natural harmonics’ of the original piece, the performers attempted to regenerate the work.

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  • FRIEZE/ Philip Clark

    But Tape Piece (2012) by Maya Verlaak and Andy Ingamells achieved something meaningful for both ears and eyes as these two composers rolled around the floor, ripping sellotape off each other’s (clothed) bodies. The falsetto squeals of the sellotape launched fragmentary melodies into the air. This piece was witty and fun.

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  • TEMPO/ Lawrence Dunn

    Maya Verlaak and Andy Ingamells’ Tape Piece – which requires performers to wrap themselves up in sellotape and then extricate themselves – also proved something of a hit. Full disclosure: I had performed this piece with Jack Sheen in Manchester a few weeks earlier; on that occasion it had been a kind of awkward if…

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  • NIEUWENOTEN/ Ben Taffijn

    De Gentse Maya Verlaak bewandelt een andere weg. In ‘SONG & DANCE: An excessively elaborate effort to explain or justify’ staat de analyse van een hedendaags muziekstuk centraal. Als uitgangspunt nam ze een ouder stuk dat ze grondig analyseerde en verwerkte tot een soort van spelsimulatie die weer voor de diverse groepen in het ensemble:…

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  • MPSG 2017 Associate Session: RMA Music and/as Process Study Group

    In Maya Verlaak’s KlangfarbenTanz, it takes the form of an interactive sculpture that is physically altered by a flautist’s sound. In each case, the model of the score as a transcription of, or set of instructions for, the ‘work’ has been abandoned in favour of a concept of the score as a dynamic object that…

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  • www.planethugill.com /Robert Hugill

    When described Tape Piece sounds rather idiotic, the two men wrestled with each other and wrapped themselves in Sellotape, and then ripped it off each other again. But the sounds thus created were striking and rather wonderful.

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  • ClevelandClassical.com / Joshua Rosner

    While Andy Ingamells’ and Maya Verlaak’s Tape Piece suggested a fully-developed electronic work for magnetic tape, Kohl and Maryhew approached each other armed with rolls of Scotch tape. The two proceeded to wrap each other into what looked like a very uncomfortable hug until each roll had been depleted. Then they began to snap the…

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  • Birmingham Mail / Christopher Morley

    Review: Adrian Boult Hall closing concert Upper-gallery trumpets here had also figured in a neat little opener, Carrier, by Belgian post-grad student Maya Verlaak, a three-minute fanfare based on acronyms of ACBH, as blazing as anything by Janacek, and tautly delivered under Christopher Houlding. Nobody wanted to leave at the end of this very special…

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  • Het Cultureel Persbureau/ Thea Derks

    De Vlaamse Maya Verlaak trok de aandacht met een stuk voor spijkerviool. Ze had deze term letterlijk genomen en vier spijkers op een plankje getimmerd, die met een strijkstok worden aangestreken. De zo gegenereerde (boven)tonen hadden een etherische, haast engelachtige klankschoonheid, maar Verlaak kan nog veel winnen door ook melodische ontwikkeling in te bouwen. September…

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