about: performer
Selected performances:
Tape Piece (2012)
performed with Lars Kynde
At Regelbau 411, Thyholm, Denmark
Tim Parkinson: Song 2020 No.3, Song 2020 No.4
performed with Thomas Smetryns
Video Song #3
Video Song #4
7, 8/ 09/ 2019
, until the day and night come to an end, a 24 hour long work by Robert Blatt for the Organ at Hospitalhof Stuttgart, DE
works by:
Weston Olencki, Gabriela Areal, Teodora Stepančić and myself as part of Piano+ concert series curated by Teodora Stepančić, in New York, USA
4, 5/05/ 2019
Makeup Scores, by Lucie Vítková,
Burdocks by Christian Wolff,
At Tectonics festival, Glasgow, UK
Some of the composers I have worked with/performed work by:
Alvin Lucier, Ana Smaragda Lemnaru, Andy Ingamells, Ben Richter, Christian Wolff, Cornelis De Bondt, David Awotwi, David Helbich, David Pocknee, Dick Raaijmakers, Eleanor Cully, G Douglas Barrett, Grzegorz Marciniak, Ivan Renqvist Babinchak, James Saunders, James Tenney, Jeremiah Runnels, Joseph Kudrika, Leo Svirsky, Louis Andriessen, Louis D’Heudieres, Lucie Vitkova, Luke Deane, Maya Felixbrodt, Michael Pisaro, Michael Wolters, Michelangel Clerc, Paul Norman, Peter Ablinger, Richard Glover, Robert Blatt, Stephen Chase, Taylan Susam, Teodora Stepančić,
In 2015, Dag in de Branding Festival (The Hague, NL) commissioned Gilius Van Bergeijk and myself to research Dick Raaijmakers’ sketches to recreate Raaijmakers’ performance ‘Nachtmuziek’. It was last performed on the17th of June in 1969. There was no score so we collected information from Raaijmakers’ sketches; and from the audience and performers who were present at the performance in 1969.
We decided to perform the work with the same technology as was used in 1969.