about: curator


An experimental music concert series run by Maya Verlaak at iii in The Hague, NL. All info here.
iii is an artist run, community platform supporting new interdisciplinary practices linking performance, technology and the human senses.

Featured pieces by:
Daniil Pilchen, Sól Ey, João Ceitil, Luke/ Lisa Deane,
Ethan Braun, Harry Golden, Lam Lai, Jasmijn Lootens, A. De Causmaecker, Anne Wellmer, Arieh Chrem, Michele Mazzini and more.


A workshop series organised by Michael Wolters and Maya Verlaak, UK. They explain their individual approaches to composition and talk about why they have chosen alternative paths to mainstream music making. This workshop series is set up to explain, give insight, and, ultimately, to make music practice and rehearsal processes of unconventional pieces more creative and enjoyable.

Workshops by:
Maya Verlaak, Andy Ingamells, Paul Norman, Genevieve Murphy, Amber Priestley, Louis d’Heudières, Michael Wolters

more info here

PIY scores

Perform It Yourself –  A collection of scores and (with iii) commissioned scores.
PIY Scores is an online series for pieces that anyone can perform in the comfort of their home. PIY Scores lets performances become a medium for communication, blurring the boundaries between composer, performer and audience.
The project is curated by Lars Kynde and Maya Verlaak.

With scores/ recordings by
Anne Eisensee, Andreas Hjort Bundgaard, Emilie Gallier, Nina Boas, Camille Gerbeau, Katinka Marac, Teodora Stepančić, Maya Verlaak, Paul Norman, Robert Blatt, Ana Gnjatović, Dante Boon, Andy Ingamells,Maya Felixbrodt, Claudia Molitor, Michael Wolters, Stephen Chase, Eleanor Cully with recordings from Richard Knight, Stephen Chase, Stephen Harvey, Phil Maguire, Theo Gowans, Jorge Boehringer, Luka Ivanovic and Kathryn Williams.

See project here

An experimental music concert series run by a collective of composers (Zachaeus Dawson, Richard Stenton & Maya Verlaak) based in Birmingham, UK

Heather Frasch, Amber Priestley, Matteo Marangoni, Lawrence Dunn, Stephen Chase,Victoria Benito, Dan Cippico, Ben Jameson + Harry Matthews, Duobaan, Lola de la Mata, Sam Topley, Dirty Electronics, Marcela Lucatelli, Boris Bezemer, Simon Paton, Sarah Farmer, Richard Glover, Nicola Singh, Maya Shenfeld, Genevieve Murphy, Eleanor Cully, Marta Forsberg, Seán Clancy, Ryoko Akama & many others

View archives here


Research Concert Cycle

A concert-lecture-discussion group to support the masters degree research projects at the Royal Conservatoire of The Hague, NL

Chambres D’Amis

Birmingham, UK
Two editions: March 2014 & June 2014

Several composers were given a residency in a private house in Birmingham.

At the end of the residency, an audience was invited to walk from house to house and see the results of the residencies.